Thursday, March 1, 2007

Scientology to the rescue

Amid noted thespian John Travolta's stunning revelations that the "Church" of Scientology could have saved Anna Nicole Smith from all of her myriad of problems, including multiple drug addictions, alcoholism, nymphomania, and other craziness that is sure to pop up as time passes, officials from major sports leagues are scrambling to find out if Scientology is the answer to some of their troubled players.

According to Travolta, star of near Oscar winner Battlefield Earth, Scientology drug treatment plan Narconon is the solution to these and other problems, with only a little effort and a lot of cash required of the program participant. Narconan is rumored to work by replacing an negative addiction such as alcoholism with an addiction to giving away as much money as possible to the "Church" which is much healthier in the long run for the addict and the financial statements of the organization.

Could this mean that NFL star Pacman Jones could be "making it rain" at the Scientology Celebrity Center soon? It is possible. Reports coming out of the compound already indicate an interest by the San Diego Chargers to move their training camp there.

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